Last week I learnt that my stress container (I like to think of it as a bucket), can fill up pretty quickly. Once I open the tap and let some of that stress trickle out, I start to feel on top of things again.
A simple analogy showing that we can only take so much stress before we overflow. It becomes a mess, spilling over the top, affecting other areas of life.
The stress coping tap
Finding some good coping mechanisms will release some of those stresses. We can then feel ready to continue on our journey. My coping mechanisms include getting out for a run, yoga, whacking some golf balls. Perhaps a gin with friends on Saturday night. Without those I’d be full to the brim worrying about all manner of things and building up ready to pop.
It’s not always easy to spot when we are getting near to that bursting point. Sometimes others around us notice before we do. You’ve given a snappy reply several times. Been late more than is usual. Had your head down or not met targets which would usually be smashed. It can be hard to raise your concerns with the person showing these traits. Asking how they are feeling today can be the catalyst to help them share some stress. They start to empty their stress bucket.
A moment to show that you care can be all it takes to help improve the mental health of a friend or colleague. A small gesture but one that will change someone’s mental well being.
Why is understanding and addressing mental health important?
People that feel good about themselves often work productively, interact well with colleagues and make a valuable contribution to the workplace.
There is still a lack of understanding about mental health and misconceptions still exist. It is often incorrectly viewed as a weakness.
- mental ill health is very common – one in four of us will experience it at some point in our lives
- employees with positive mental health are more likely to work productively, interact well with colleagues and adapt to changes in the workplace
- staff supported by their employer are more likely to be able to stay in work or return to work after a period of absence, reducing long-term absences in the organisation
- staff who feel unable to talk to their manager may attend work when they are too ill to safely carry out their duties, which could be a health and safety risk
- untreated mental ill health can cause other ‘secondary symptoms’. For example, the strain of coping with depression may cause someone to become dependent on alcohol or drugs.
Promoting positive mental health in the workplace
Promoting positive mental health in your workplace can be hugely beneficial
It can take time to change an organisation’s workplace culture but little steps in the right direction are what is needed.
Stress reduction by PSHR client
We are proud to say that our fabulous client – The Current Collective – have recently been recognised by Campaign Magazine as One of The Best Places to Work 2019 and we have been working with them to increase their well being offer by providing a range of different resources and measures.
Click this link to read all about it.
Here to help
What if your organisation had a comprehensive and effective well being package in place? Contact one of our Consultants today to discuss what measures can be put in place to help your employees feel more supported in the workplace.
PSHR are on hand to offer advice and guidance please contact us on 01473 653000 or at
Author – Carla Brown